One of the trickiest parts of a healthy lifestyle is finding healthy food options on the go. When you’re out running errands or at work and in a rush to find something to eat, there aren’t always a lot of healthy options available.
That’s why we always pack a snack pack full of healthy snacks and treats to keep our fast food cravings at bay!
This is what we would take with us on a day-long outing. You can modify this snack pack based on your eating preferences or how long you’ll be gone. All food should be packed in an airtight container (we prefer glass or stainless steel) or mason jars with lids.
If you’re going on a trip, be sure to check out some of our tips for healthy eating travel options here.
Here are our snack pack essentials:
- A small cooler bag
- A small ice pack
- A large water bottle filled with filtered water
- A big hearty salad (Jo likes our Sockeye Salmon Salad, Jules likes the Quinoa Beet Arugula Salad)
- A small container of homemade dressing
- A piece of fresh fruit, like an apple or pear
- A small container of raw nuts or Joy Balls if you have a sweet craving
- A quart-sized mason jar filled with your favorite green smoothie (like our Lemon Blueberry Smoothie or our Fruit Free Green Smoothie)
What would be in YOUR snack pack? Do you have a favorite Conscious Cleanse recipe that’s great for clean eating on the go? Let us know in the comments below. We love hearing from our community!
With love,
Jo & Jules
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