If you know the Conscious Cleanse, you know how much we LOVE green smoothies – and this Energy Boosting Green Smoothie is a perfect example of why we love them so much.
This smoothie has all the goodness of green juice, but it has more staying power to fuel your day. It has the fiber, protein, healthy fats, and vitamins you need to put some pep in your step and keep you feeling full and satisfied.

We used creamy frozen banana as a base for sweetness and texture, with a huge dose of greens from an entire head of romaine, sprouts, parsley, and cilantro. We know that’s a lot of greens! But bear with us – leafy greens are a great energy booster. They contain lots of iron, vitamin C, vitamin B, and other essential vitamins and minerals that will perk you up. We also aim to get between 25-30 different veggies in a week to help improve our gut microbiome, so this smoothie helps us jam pack more nutrition into our day.
Another key player in this smoothie is ginger! Ginger improves digestion by helping with constipation, bloating and intestinal gas. It’s also an anti-inflammatory powerhouse.
And finally, this smoothie gets rounded out with flax seeds for powerful plant-based protein, extra fiber, and fat. Flax seeds make a great smoothie boost when you’re feeling a little stopped up or sluggish. They help with healthy elimination (bye bye constipation), glowing skin, and balanced hormones. Flax seeds are also anti-inflammatory and a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Give this a whirl in your blender and let us know what you think!
With love and green goodness,
The Conscious Cleanse Team
Energy Boosting Green Smoothie
Yield 32 oz
- 1 ½ cups filtered water
- 1 head romaine lettuce
- ½ bunch cilantro
- ½ bunch parsley
- ½ cup sprouts (any variety)
- ½ cucumber (skin on)
- 1-2” knob of fresh ginger
- Juice of ½ lemon
- 1 frozen banana (or ripe pear for low sugar option)
- 2 tbsp flaxseeds
Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
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