Just Say No To Claritin! 10 Natural Ways To Feel Better Fast

“Gesundheit!” I’ve heard this word too many times from my German grandparents.

That seasonal stuffy nose, watery eyes, scratchy throat, and foggy head — AKA “spring allergies”— plagues over 35 million Americans each year. While many people can’t wait for the weather to warm up, the birds to sing and tulips to bloom, the allergy sufferers among us dread the first sight of flowers.

Seeing little green buds pop up on the trees is like facing death year after year. We say goodbye to the winter blues and hello to the pollen season — heck, when does a girl get a break?

Spring allergies are no fun!

For years I felt miserable — really miserable. Like I didn’t want to leave the house on a nice spring day, miserable. I couldn’t breathe. My eyes felt like they were on fire.

And I blew my nose so many times that I wished I’d invested in Kleenex.

I’d tell my friends that I could skip spring and just go right into summer. Seriously, I could do without the whole four season thing. Three seasons would be just fine with me.

Back in the day, if you told me that I could feel better during the spring season, I would have rolled my eyes in disbelief. “Not in this lifetime!” But lo and behold, a miracle happened!

Over the last few years I’ve found ways to treat my allergies naturally that reduced my icky symptoms dramatically. So I’m here to share my secrets so you can feel your best all spring long too. Believe me when I say little changes go a long way!

Have you tried any natural allergy remedies? Leave a comment below and let us know which have worked for you!

With newfound spring love,

10 Natural Allergy Remedies that Work

  1. Drink tons of water! We recommend drinking at least half your body weight in ounces, but with your body on high alert you may need more. When I first told my husband our water formula he said, “but I’ll be in the bathroom all day!” Research has shown that being well hydrated helps 38 percent of women relieve allergy symptoms. Now that’s worth being in the bathroom.
  2. Wash your sheets and clothes often. Our clothes can pick up pollen, the biggest offender. Pollen residue will make you feel miserable — even when you think you aren’t being exposed to those sneaky little suckers.
  3. Use a Neti Pot. Fill your Neti Pot with warm distilled water and sea salt to flush your nasal passage. When pollen grains get into the nose of someone with allergies it sends their immune system into overdrive. Send those pollen grains packing! Not sure how to use a Neti Pot? Check out this video.
  4. Get your Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to reduce inflammation and block the release of histamine from inflammatory cells. Eat foods high in vitamin C like papaya, pineapple, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe and kale. Also consider supplementing with an additional 1,000-5,000 mg per day.
  5. Add in quercetin. Quercetin is a potent anti-inflammatory that helps relieve allergy symptoms by blocking the release of histamines. Get more apples, berries, asparagus, broccoli, and peppers into your diet to get more of this powerful antioxidant. We also recommend supplementing with 500 mg 1-2 times per day at the height of pollen season.
  6. Drink Nettle Tea. Native Americans used stinging nettles for many health conditions, including allergies. Unlike pharmaceuticals, which can cause drowsiness, nettles provide relief without the side effects.
  7. Keep your windows closed. Simple, right? When your windows are open you are exposed to pollen! This seems like a no-brainer but it helps a ton.
  8. Invest in an air purifier. High-tech air purifiers can greatly improve the air quality of your home. We recommend the IQ Air Purifier, Austin Air or (for a more affordable option) the Atem Personal System from IQ air. Having a house full of plants is another efficient way to filter the air. Plants like the peace lily or snake plant are well-known masters of air filtration.
  9. Avoid foods that promote congestion. Because your body is inflamed and your immune system is on high alert it’s even more important to keep inflammatory foods like gluten, dairy, and sugar off your plate.
  10. Get your greens on! Drink green smoothies, green juices, and eat lots of green veggies as they help combat inflammation. The more you become a green machine, the better you will feel. This is my biggest secret weapon!

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Showing 10 comments
  • Ronja Venus Andersson | Orgasmitude.com

    Awesome post, Jo! Fun and straight to the point. I don’t have any allergies, but I’ll make sure I get lots of greens and vitamin C anyway :)


    • Jo Schaalman

      Glad you liked it Ronja! Yes, those tips can be used even if you don’t have allergies:) Stop by again and say hi!

  • Jo Schaalman

    We are so glad you are enjoying it!!

  • Allergic

    As a lifelong allergy sufferer, I’ve been in need of this information for years. Thanks!!!

    • Jo Schaalman

      Your welcome! I hope this helps with your allergies this year.

  • Sharon Roberts

    Interesting reading and useful tips. Allergy is something you shouldn’t ignore and nip at the bud itself, otherwise it might have depressing consequences. Your article is a boon to all people, whether allergic or not.

  • Kathryn Campbell

    I have used Claritin for over 17 years. I got to a point where Claritin and Sudafed gave me no relief and I just kept taking them because I needed something. I went to an allergist and they were having a hard time getting a good reaction because of the Claritin in my system.

    I stopped taking Claritin for a month and I started to feel better. Not 100% better but it was noticeable. It’s now been almost 2 months Claritin and Sudafed free and I really feel better without those meds. I still have allergies. I just have more energy. I swore by Claritin and Sudafed and now I am not so sure.

    • Jo Schaalman

      Hi Kathryn! I’m so glad you found this to be helpful and that you’re feeling more energetic!

  • Jacqueline Gillam-Fairchild

    I have a constant running nose and eyes and am trying to pin it down to Dawn dish soap and scented hand lotion. I bought some Claraten,took one, and decided it had too many side effects. I do take many supplements and sometimes forget to use my netti pot. Thanks for the advice. Jackie

    • Jo and Jules

      WOW! Way to be a detective! That probably took a long time to discover it could be those two (or both). So glad you found the article helpful. XO, Jo & Jules

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