Do you love all the traditional Thanksgiving foods, but hate the hangover that comes the next day? We hear ya! That’s why we created this Low-Sugar Cranberry Sauce.
We promise you won’t miss the “real thing.” This no sugar version is full of natural fruit goodness with the tart and delicious flavor we all know and love.
This is Jo’s go-to cranberry sauce for her Thanksgiving celebrations. Her kids love it too! She makes extra and eats it with her Thanksgiving leftovers all week. Stored in a jar, it will keep for a few weeks.
This recipe uses monkfruit sweetener in place of sugar. Monkfruit is a plant-based, no sugar, zero-calorie sweetener that is high in antioxidants. We love using it in baked goods, desserts and anywhere we’d typically use a sweetener. If you’re on the Low Sugar Plan with the Conscious Cleanse, monkfruit is also a good alternative to maple syrup and honey.

If you’re looking for other clean and healthy and delicious Thanksgiving options, check out our recipe index. There are so many, you can easily use our recipes to build your entire menu!
What’s YOUR go-to Thanksgiving dish? Does it need a Conscious Cleanse makeover? Let us know in the comments below!
But cranberry sauce aside, you’ve probably heard us say that food is never just about food. The coming holiday and harvest season is a great reminder that there’s more to this celebration than just enjoying a good spread.
For many of us, Thanksgiving is the biggest feast of the year. It symbolizes abundance, love, fulfillment, and of course, gratitude.
To be grateful is to embody one of the highest vibrations possible. The beautiful thing about it is that it’s nearly impossible to experience gratitude without being present.
Having a Conscious Thanksgiving is more than eating in good food combinations and remembering to hydrate. It’s about eating mindfully; remembering to take time to pause, to savor the moment and appreciate being surrounded by loved ones.
As you celebrate with your family this year, we hope you bring this concept of mindful presence and gratitude into your celebrations.
Have a healthy and happy Thanksgiving and thank you for being a part of our thriving Conscious Cleanse community!
With love and gratitude,
The Conscious Cleanse Team
Low-Sugar Cranberry Sauce
Yields: about 3 cups
- 12 oz. fresh cranberries
- ½ cup Lakanto monkfruit sweetener
- ¼ cup freshly squeezed orange juice
In a saucepan over medium heat, mix the Lakanto sweetener in the orange juice until dissolved. Stir in the cranberries and cook for about 10 minutes or until the cranberries start to pop. Pour sauce into a bowl. Cranberry sauce will thicken as it cools. Garnish with orange or lemon zest.
If you liked this cranberry sauce, we invite you to join our online community! When you sign up you’ll receive regular healthy lifestyle tips and new recipes. As a welcome-gift, we’ll send you our free Healthy Holidays eCookbook for inspiration for all your other winter holiday recipe needs.
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