Hooray! You’re Here!
Welcome Conscious Health Seeker,
Thanks for checking out our e-cookbook!
Click this link to download it now:
A Taste of the Conscious Cleanse: 10 Fresh & Fabulously Simple Recipes.
You’ll be glad you did because these recipes are easy, fast and delicious!
In the next few days we’re going to send you some great information that we hope will inspire you to live your most vibrant life. Nothing for sale here … just valuable tips that we want you to have.
We hope you’ll find them helpful!
Before we go, would you please do one quick thing?
Join us on Facebook and “Like” our Page! The Conscious Cleanse is about building a thriving community of health seeking, vibrant living superstars and you are an integral part in making that happen. We are constantly learning, growing and sharing with each other so please join in the conversation.
Now that you are part of our Conscious Cleanse community, we promise to send you lots of free healthy living tips, tasty recipes, and other fun, valuable goodies as often as we can.
Get ready and get set to live your most vibrant life!
With love and green veggies,
Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman
Creators of the Conscious Cleanse
P.S. – A quick reminder: Please be sure to add joandjules@consciouscldev.wpengine.com to your address book now so our emails get delivered directly to your inbox. Thanks!