We hope you had a happy 4th of July! We’ve been enjoying some time off ourselves this week, hanging poolside with friends and family, enjoying a few margaritas, living up our 80:20.
Summer really is the best, isn’t it?!
Today we want to share with you some tips on how to rebound after having one too many drinks. We’ve all been there – groggy, headache, brain fog. No fun!
So how do you rebound fast after a night out drinking? Try our rebound regimen below.

3 Tips for Rebounding After a Night Out
- Hydrate: Every day we encourage you to drink at least half your bodyweight in ounces of water—more when you exercise or if you live at altitude. When you’re hungover, rehydrating is vital. Start off with 1 quart of warm lemon water to hydrate and cleanse out any of the residual toxins from the alcohol. We also suggest drinking some coconut water to help you replenish your electrolytes throughout the day.
- Load Up on Dark Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, romaine, broccoli, sea veggies – all these dark green veggies will help to alkalize and oxygenate your blood, helping restore your body back to balance fast. Have a green juice followed by a green smoothie today and you’ll be simultaneously resting your digestive system while loading up on vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your body can use.
- Move Your Body: When you’re really hungover and hurting, working out is usually the last thing you want to do. But getting your blood pumping and working up a good sweat, will help your body eliminate toxins, while filling you up with feel-good endorphins. So get off the couch, do some Hot Yoga with Jules or Detox Yoga with Jo, go for a swim, a hike, a run, even a gentle walk in the fresh air is helpful.
If all the summer fun seems to be catching up with you and you missed our June Group Cleanse, you can still hop on the healthy train and get your Conscious Cleanse on now!
This summer, you can join our cleanse, set your own start date and in 14-days you’ll reboot your system and embrace healthier habits.
Are you ready to increase energy, reduce food cravings, improve your mood and feel more confident in your skin?
We’re also adding an extra incentive to make feeling your best a no-brainer.
From now, through July 10, we’re offering a limited discount.
Use code CCREBOOT to get $100 off all Cleanse plans.
We won’t be offering this discount again this year, so make sure you hop on it!
The wonderful thing about the Conscious Cleanse is that we meet you where you are and help you modify the program based on what’s possible for you – no ultimatums, no wagon to “fall off of.”
Just finding a personal blueprint for health that works for YOU.
So grab a friend and let’s cleanse together.
To vibrant health,
Jo & Jules
P.S. – Ready for a Summer Reboot? Snag the discount above and sign up for the cleanse before July 10.