The Conscious Cleanse Cookbook
150 Recipes To Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life
Jo Schaalman and Jules Peláez have helped thousands of people lose weight, identify hidden food sensitivities, and create sustainable lifestyle changes through their 14-day Conscious Cleanse program. Now, they are excited to announce the release of The Conscious Cleanse Cookbook: 150 Recipes to Help You Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life.
Yes, you can change your life by changing the food you put in your mouth and The Conscious Cleanse Cookbook will show you how. With over 150 delicious, easy-to-follow recipes, and new and improved Conscious Cleanse program guidelines–including their new Low Sugar and 80:20 plans, this cookbook is the perfect companion to their first book.
Elana Amsterdam
New York Times best-selling author
Maria Uspenski
Founder and CEO, The Tea Spot
Carrie Dorr
Founder, O44 Method + Pure Barre
The Conscious Cleanse, Second Edition
Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days
For readers looking for a step-by-step guide to the 14-day Conscious Cleanse program, pick up the second edition of Jo and Jules’ The Conscious Cleanse book, which has been updated with even more delicious recipes, and their new and improved Low Sugar and 80:20 plans.
Daily inspiration, tips, meal plans, and action steps to help you achieve success every day on the Conscious Cleanse.
The Conscious Cleanse is a 14-day whole foods–based cleanse with a menu that includes delicious green smoothies; fresh vegetables and fruits; non- gluten grains, like brown rice and quinoa; beans; nuts and seeds; wild-caught fish; and organic, grass-fed meats. You’ll eliminate all the common allergens, including eggs, dairy, gluten, sugar, soy, shellfish, nightshades, caffeine, and alcohol. Learn to slow down and tune in to your body without counting calories, choking down expensive supplements, or starving yourself, and create a food lifestyle that works for you.
Bobbi Brown
Founder and Chief Creative Officer, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor, TODAY
Marilee Nelson
Medicinal Cook/Environmental Consultant and Branch Basics Founder
Robyn O’Brien
Author, The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick and What We Can Do About It; Founder, AllergyKids Foundation
The Conscious Cleanse
Lose Weight, Heal Your Body and Transform Your Life in 14 Days
The first edition of The Conscious Cleanse book! Based on their groundbreaking 14-day online membership program, this book was created for DIY health seekers. Like having Jo and Jules in your back pocket, this is a comprehensive step-by-step guide with daily inspiration, tips, action steps, meal plans, and recipes. If you’re ready to understand why eating unprocessed, whole foods and identifying hidden food sensitivities works, you find all the resources here! Lose weight, restore vital energy, identify food sensitivities, and create sustainable lifestyle change here.
J.J. Virgin
CNS, CHFS, Celebrity Nutrition and Fitness expert, Host on Discovery and TLC; author, Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy and The Virgin Diet
Ana T. Forrest
Creatrix of Forrest Yoga, Author of “Fierce Medicine” and ferocious auto-didact
Amy Ippoliti
Yoga Instructor, Founder, 90 Minutes to Change the World™