“The Conscious Cleanse was a much needed reboot for my body!”
—Emily N.
The Conscious Cleanse was a much needed reboot for my body! I eat very healthy on a regular basis but wanted to strengthen my willpower and learn new ways to fuel my body. My will power was instantly tested since I work in a kitchen all day at work as well as cooking at home. I am proud to say I only swayed from the plan once and choose the healthiest option. I lost a total of 6 lbs., 4 of which have stayed away on the last week since my cleanse ended. I have most enjoyed drinking smoothies and lemon water each morning. I will continue that part going forward! Since the cleanse, I have reintroduced a few foods and am realizing what triggers my stomach and how it effects my energy.
“She believes in me and what my body is capable of with the intelligence of a health professional and the support of a friend.”
—Christine TM., participated in VIP Program with Jules
I have been involved with a good number of health professionals over the years, and had no idea that hiring Jules to help me navigate my food allergies would transform my relationship with food and my body’s intuition. I was also not aware that my relationship with food was laden with fear and anxiety and that this journey would necessitate looking at these issues. Jules has engaged in this exploratory process with intelligence, humor, kindness, patience and grace. I am so grateful to have such an advocate – she believes in me and what my body is capable of with the intelligence of a health professional and the support of a friend. I look forward to continuing on this journey with Jules and will look to her for guidance long after the active work we do together is done.
“This is what life is supposed to feel like!”
—Melissa D.
I can’t say enough how much I enjoyed the Conscious Cleanse experience.
During one of my days journaling throughout the cleanse, I wrote “This is what life is supposed to feel like! By holding myself in a place of reverence each and every day, I effortlessly attract life’s riches.”
For me, the riches came in the form of newfound energy and an interest in cooking in a new way incorporating vegetables and superfoods. I feel a strong connection between my desire to have more energy and wanting to serve the Universe in a more expansive way.
I’ve had several people compliment a new glow that I have. That’s exactly what I hoped for, to embody how amazing I’ve been feeling on the inside.
Thank you all again.
“The Conscious Cleanse 80:20 is a brilliant approach to making healthy living easy and sustainable.”
—Maria Uspenski, Author of Cancer Hates Tea and founder of The Tea Spot
With The Conscious Cleanse, Jo and Jules removed all barriers of intimidation from doing a limited time, limited foods reset on our relationship with food. Now they’ve elevated the concept of a clean and healthy diet into the achievable realm of everyday living with their 80:20. Their plan brings the benefits of cleansing into the fundamental approach to daily food and lifestyle planning, while keeping it flexible, forgiving and interesting. The Conscious Cleanse 80:20 is a brilliant approach to making healthy living easy and sustainable.
“The Conscious Cleanse helped me upgrade my diet, but I now know my sensitivity to dairy was more intense than once thought.”
—Greg A.
As a performance-driven leadership coach, dad, and athlete, I joined the Conscious Cleanse (with Jules as my VIP coach) to up my game. After recently being diagnosed with stage one prostate cancer a year ago I came into the cleanse thinking I had a pretty “healthy diet,” but knew the cleanse would help me focus on eating “beyond healthy” – to what I call “clean eating.” Not only has the Conscious Cleanse helped me upgrade my diet, but I now know my sensitivity to dairy was more intense than once thought. Ice cream, even cashew milk based, was a frequent indulgent and several of my so-called “health foods” were laden with stuff I don’t want and will not put in my body. I’ve also gained mental clarity and have a clear path moving forward as I tackle healing my prostate, creating a clean relationship with food and enjoying healthy lifestyle choices. The Conscious Cleanse program is well written and directed with purposeful encouragement. However, what I appreciated most beyond the program itself was the professional and highly-serving approach provided by Jules.
“After eating the Conscious Cleanse way for 90 days,
I lost 45 lbs!”
—Wendy R.
This is my first official Conscious Cleanse. But I am not new to the book or lifestyle.
My journey began in 2015. I was at my all time heaviest weight. Well over 300 pounds. But I didn’t know it, because I refused to step on a scale. My body was telling me it was not happy. I could feel and hear messages from my higher self telling me I needed a change, but I didn’t listen. By June, I told myself every morning “this is the day”, and every evening I would eat myself into oblivion. I needed a miracle.
On July 27, 2015, I had Divine Intervention. I felt a massive shift in my mind, body and soul. A true shift in my universe. Part of me knew it was true. The other part was waiting for failure. I told no one about my experience. Afraid of my possible failure. When this shift happened, I went to the doctor’s office and stepped on the scale. What a shock. But now I knew my starting point.
My body told me to stop all gluten, sugar and dairy. I didn’t think that was humanly possible. But that first week, I bought cupcakes for my family and didn’t eat one. A friend brought over homemade, fresh out of the oven bread. I didn’t eat any. Wow. Was this really possible?
Still, I told no one. That week a friend brought me a book, The Conscious Cleanse. Why? More Divine workings! At first I hesitated in reading it. “Not another cleanse,” I thought. So I put the book by my bed. It kept calling to me. Finally, I read it. And wept. This book was saying everything God had spoken to my heart.
I ate cleanse style for 90 days. But with no purification days. In that 90 days, I lost 45 pounds. I felt amazing on the inside. My family began noticing my changes. After the 90 days, I went to the 80:20 lifestyle, but it was more like 90:10. I kept losing weight. By September 2016, I had lost 92 pounds.
Then October 2016 came….And I felt ravenous. I felt like a bear getting ready for hibernation. I couldn’t stop eating. And my choices were going off track. Then the holidays hit and I veered off course. I felt miserable. Physically and emotionally.
And then I saw the Conscious Cleanse post to win a free 2 week cleanse. I prayed. I entered. I won! It was just what I needed to jumpstart myself. I am so thankful and grateful. I’m still 60 pounds from my goal. I believe I will achieve this by the end of 2017.
During the January 2017 Conscious Cleanse, I lost all the weight I had gained the last three months of 2016. I am more in tune with my body. And My intention of ‘Gentle Resolve’ will continue to sustain me as I move forward in the 80:20 lifestyle.
Thank you Jo & Jules & coaches. This experience was amazing.
“I did not expect to ever be able to live without coffee!”
—Jenn S.
I decided to do the Conscious Cleanse after a long time of just not feeling good. I was still struggling with 10 pounds of extra baby weight that just never seemed to go away. I hated the way my skin looked in the mirror. I found myself seeking more and more cosmetic products to hide redness. I was also starting to notice a pattern of being grumpy and snappy after eating my daily Greek yogurt in the morning. Then after spending the holidays in Ohio eating and drinking way too much, I realized I needed a dramatic change. My husband had given me The Conscious Cleanse book as a gift and I picked it up and read it cover to cover. I knew I had found the change I needed.
I went into Conscious Cleanse a bit apprehensive because I really wanted to do it 100%, but had a family to feed too. At first it was so overwhelming because it completely changed how I had to think about food and cooking. My first two grocery trips were so eye-opening because there was nothing to buy in the dairy section. I always started my grocery trips in the dairy section! Once I got the hang of the food combining rules and realized how absolutely delicious the recipes were, I was hooked. The kiddos didn’t always eat the recipes I made (especially the soups), but I felt so much better about the choices I had to offer them. Chicken and veggies and not a hint of processed foods. I was also starting to feel amazing. The pounds just started to fall off, my skin was starting to clear up, but the best part was my mood. I found myself laughing and smiling more and not snapping at all. Wow!
At the end of the two weeks, I feel like a whole new person. I’ve lost 13 pounds! I am still shocked when I look at myself in the mirror and realize that my profile has completely changed. My belly and legs have slimmed (I think that was mostly bloating) and my clothes fit so much better. I am sleeping like a baby (well, when my baby decides to sleep) and wake up refreshed and energized. I did not expect to ever be able to live without coffee!
I would recommend the Conscious Cleanse to anyone who is looking for a change like me or just curious about food sensitivities. It was such an amazing experience for me. I am excited to get on with the rest of my life living the 80:20 lifestyle.
Thanks so much for your incredible program and support.
“This is not a one size fits all approach, which was important to me as a Type 1 Diabetic!”
—Sarah L.
The support crew at the Conscious Cleanse is the best! They were so happy to answer any questions, no matter how big or small. There was only kindness and support coming from them, if you happened to make a “bad choice,” there was no shaming, just a message of, “let’s figure out why this might have happened, and what we can do to try and prevent it from happening again”. This is not a one size fits all approach, which was important to me as a Type 1 Diabetic (T1D). Having lived with T1D for 40 years I am fairly conscious of what I am eating and the carb content so that I can match my insulin intake to my carb intake. I am also very aware of how my blood sugar responds to food, as I test my blood sugar 8-10 times a day, to keep it within range. I was always looking at my food as simply something that changes my blood sugar levels, but now I look at how food affects my mood, my digestion, my energy levels and my emotions. I love the idea of treating your body like a science experiment and just noticing what is going on within. The improvements I have seen are that I am sleeping so well, I have more energy, and my energy levels are stable, no late afternoon dips. I feel like my focus has improved, and I am able to be more present in my life – pretty amazing after only 2 weeks.
Thanks so much!
“It’s amazing what two weeks of treating yourself well can do!”
—Lindsay B.
This is my fourth cleanse, but my first time trying the selfie challenge. Wow! I can really tell the difference. (Left is pre-cleanse, right is today). It’s amazing what two weeks of treating yourself well can do!
“I truly never felt better then after completing your 14-day Cleanse and it has become my everyday guidelines for healthy eating.”
— Kate B.
Hello! I am a Conscious Cleanse alumni and could not speak more highly of your book.
After becoming lactose intolerant, obtaining stomach infections from traveling, and moving in with my boyfriend who has Celiac’s disease, this book could not have entered my life at a more perfect time.
Your amazing work has become my coffee table book and I have recommended it to more friends and colleagues than I can count. I truly never felt better then after completing your 14-day Cleanse and it has become my everyday guidelines for healthy eating.
Thank you!
“Just wanted to Thank You for introducing me to the rest best of my life!!”
— Kathy T.
Just wanted to Thank You for introducing me to the rest best of my life!! I was at wits end until I started the Conscious Cleanse and I am now continuing on the 80:20 Plan. I had blood drawn after the cleanse and below is a comparison of my numbers. I asked for one more chance before my doctors put me on medication and with you I got it. Thank you again!
Cholesterol – from September 15: 278 to April 29: 130
Triglycerides – from September 15: 296 to April 29: 73
HDL – from September 15: 55 to April 29: 49
LDL – from September 15: 164 to April 29: 66
TSH – from September 15: 8.43 to April 29: 0.46
“Last year my mother went for her annual check-up and came back with high pressure, high cholesterol, high everything…so she decided to do the Cleanse with me. After 3 weeks she was back to normal and her doctor was amazed!”
— Claudia G.
I’m from Mexico City and stumbled upon the Conscious Cleanse two years ago. I have been doing it twice a year since.
Last year my mother went for her annual check-up and came back with high pressure, high cholesterol, high everything…so she decided to do the Cleanse with me. After 3 weeks she was back to normal and her doctor was amazed!
Keep up the good work. You’re doing something amazing and helping so many people!
“It’s realistic. I think this is the ultimate lifestyle change/goal of the cleanse.”
— Josh, restaurant owner
Q. What inspired you to try the Conscious Cleanse for the first time?
A. I had tried other cleanses with liquid only stretches or more extreme guidelines. I liked the approachable, long lasting and lifestyle approach to the Conscious Cleanse. Ultimately I was inspired to hit the reset button in preparation for the holiday season and lead our restaurant staff to do the same.
Q. What were you most looking forward to and/or dreading about embarking on the two-week program?
A. That it was two weeks! I was most looking forward to focusing on getting to sleep earlier and increasing my energy. I was dreading no chocolate.
Q. What surprised you most about the Conscious Cleanse?
A. I was most surprised that you could still eat a piece of meat (local, organic, grass fed and lean of course) and you did not have to go hungry.
Q. Did you have an a-ha moment that you want to share?
A. Green smoothies can be tasty and satisfying.
Q. Do you have a favorite piece of advice from Jo and Jules?
A. Wake up a little bit earlier everyday to do some journaling, meditation, and set your intention for the day.
Q. What does it mean to you to live the 80/20?
A. I think this is the ultimate lifestyle change/goal of the cleanse. It’s realistic. As someone who is in the restaurant business, I enjoy great food and drink and dining out and don’t want to be restricted when I do. The 80/20 rule allows me to continue to enjoy those aspects of life 20% of the time with no guilt, as long as I am making conscious eating decisions the remaining 80% of the time.
Q. What advice would you give to a first-time Conscious Cleanser?
A. Don’t let the challenge and mood swings of the first few days discourage
you. It eventually gets easier and you start to see and feel results. It’s eye opening to recognize your shopping habits, cravings, and choices. Try to do the cleanse with a partner or friend. Watch a movie like Fast Food Nation, Food Inc., or Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. It’s a good use of some chill time and will help motivate you. Try a new but accessible activity like gentle yoga or meditation.
Keep a journal. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t follow it 100%, just stick with it.
Reintroduce and transition out of the cleanse very intentionally and slowly. Don’t go binge on everything you missed over the two weeks. Focus less on weight loss and more on how you feel.
“Eating the Conscious Cleanse way naturally put my body into a really healthy rhythm. I was going to bed earlier, sleeping soundly, and waking up refreshed and ready to take on the day.”
— Courtenay
Q. What inspired you to try the Conscious Cleanse for the first time?
A. A friend of mine did the cleanse in 2013 and she raved to me about it for several months. I was interested, but I was working a really stressful job at the time, and I felt that I would not be able to focus on it. Once I changed jobs, I couldn’t wait to do the cleanse. I imagined it to be a purge of my old life/job and a fresh start for my health. I was also considering some potential food sensitivities, so it was a perfect program for me to clean out my system and test foods as I reintroduced them.
Q. What surprised you most about the Conscious Cleanse?
A. How much good food you are still able to eat. It’s not about eating less,but about eating in an informed and clean way. How much I enjoy and have become addicted to green smoothies. They are truly the best way to start every day.
Q. Did you have an a-ha moment that you want to share?
A. The first time I did the cleanse I was amazed at how fresh and energized I felt. Eating the Conscious Cleanse way naturally put my body into a really healthy rhythm. I was going to bed earlier, sleeping soundly, and waking up refreshed and ready to take on the day. The second Saturday (day 8) was my a-ha day. I woke up early and completed an entire days worth of tasks before anyone else in the house was even awake. I felt like Superwoman. This was the moment I realized the amazing benefits and the gift I was giving myself by doing the Conscious Cleanse.
Q. Do you have a favorite piece of advice from Jo and Jules?
A. Paying attention to and controlling my sugar intake is the main “reset” function I get from doing the cleanse. I can enjoy a green smoothie, eat a salad for lunch, and stay away from processed foods in every day life. Every time I am tempted to eat something sugary I remind myself that it is an emotional and/or addictive response. I hear Jo and Jules’ voices telling me how inflammatory and havoc reeking one dose of sugar does on my entire system. I find that I can limit my sugar to a couple of times a week – thanks to mindfulness, practice, and skills I have gained from the Conscious Cleanse.
“I lost another 26 pounds in just two months! I’m so grateful. …My skin, hair, mood, and overall feeling are amazing too.”
— Heather
Q. What inspired you to try the Conscious Cleanse for the first time?
A. Though I had struggled with my weight my whole life, I had finally hit my max and could not seem to shake it! I was heavier than I had ever been and I refused to stay that way. My doctor was also concerned that my vitamin D was super low despite supplements and sun exposure.
Q. What were you most looking forward to and/or dreading about embarking on the two-week program?
A. Having guidelines I could follow and a community I could reach out to.
Q. What surprised you most about the Conscious Cleanse?
A. How much I realized about why I could never shake the extra weight. No matter how much I worked out or how little I ate if I still ate gluten and dairy I wasn’t going to be able to lose the weight because I had too much inflammation. Also, after every meal I felt awful. To finally eat something and not have a headache or upset stomach is amazing and now the new norm. Also my vitamin D finally went to normal!
Q. Did you have an a-ha moment that you want to share?
A. On day 12 of the cleanse the first time I did it we had a dinner party with all cleanse friendly foods. I made quinoa with broth and after eating it immediately felt sharp pains near what I know now is my gallbladder. One of our guests who has celiacs looked at the broth and pointed out that it had gluten. That little gluten after that little time having such a big effect made me realize what I had been doing to my body all these years.
Q. Be honest, on Day 11 did you stand in front of your mirror naked per Jo and Jules’ instructions?! Do you remember how you felt on that day?
A. I didn’t but I did take the attached pictures after doing the cleanse for 8 weeks and was truly shocked how easily I felt like I got there.
Q. Do you have a favorite piece of advice from Jo and Jules?
A. The third time I was doing the cleanse I decided to step it up a notch and do the VIP session. I was assigned to Jo and we really tried digging into why I wasn’t losing the last 10 lbs. She helped me investigate other foods that might be causing inflammation for me. I found out I have sensitivities around nightshades, almonds, dairy, gluten and soy. By staying away from these foods I feel so much better.
Q. What does it mean to you to live the 80/20?
A. Because there are so many foods that I continue to avoid, instead of doing the 80:20 I just ease up on myself with the food combining. I’m dairy free 100% of the time and gluten free 90% of the time. All the other things I’ll have here and there but if I want to eat “fried” rice from the book with a little bit of salmon or chicken I do.
Q. What advice would you give to a first-time Conscious Cleanser?
A. It’s so worth it! I know it’s a lot of food prep and at first it is really hard (I don’t drink coffee but am addicted to sugar) but you will feel better than you’ve ever felt in just a few short days. I travel 1-2 weeks every month and I still figure out how to make it work. Jo has some great travel suggestions!
Q. Anything else you’d like to share?
A. I now do the cleanse 2-3 times a year just to get back to a super healthy foundation. Each time I try to push myself to try something new. The first picture was taken of me at the end of September when I was at my heaviest. I started the Conscious Cleanse on October 15 and the after picture was taken on December 20, in total I lost 36 lbs! Although you can’t tell from the pictures, my skin, hair, mood, and overall feeling are amazing too.
“Trust the process. It works.”
— Michael Barnhill
Q. What inspired you to try the Conscious Cleanse for the first time?
A. I wanted to experience eating a cleaner diet for an extended period of time without the sugar, carbs, gluten, and dairy that are in my normal diet.
Q. What were you most looking forward to and/or dreading about embarking on the two-week program?
A. I was dreading the lack of my daily pleasure foods.
Q. What surprised you most about the Conscious Cleanse?
A. How easy it was to follow the program.
Q. Did you have an a-ha moment that you want to share?
A. So many daily food choices are emotional versus what our body really needs for nourishment.
Q. What does it mean to you to live the 80/20?
A. Just being aware in every moment what you are consuming and if the food is offering a benefit to your overall health and well being.
Q. What advice would you give to a first-time Conscious Cleanser?
A. Trust the process. It works.
“I noticed that I felt less bloated, there was less puffiness around my eyes and my skin cleared up.”
— Denelle Numis
Q. What inspired you to try the Conscious Cleanse for the first time?
A. I participated in other cleanses in the past but never found any of them to be super effective. After participating in four Conscious Cleanses, I found the Conscious Cleanse to be the program that would lead me to make better choices on a daily basis.
Q. Be honest, on Day 11 did you stand in front of your mirror naked per Jo and Jules’ instructions?! Do you remember how you felt on that day?
A. I can’t say if it was Day 11 or not but I definitely checked myself out numerous times during the cleanse. I noticed that I felt less bloated, there was less puffiness around my eyes and my skin cleared up. Check out the photos below for the transformation.
Q. What does it mean to you to live the 80/20?
A. I like to think that I keep the 80/20 after the Conscious Cleanse is over but I must admit that this doesn’t always happen. The majority of the time, I eat the Conscious Cleanse way but I enjoy my vices like chocolate and cocktails.
Q. What advice would you give to a first-time Conscious Cleanser?
A. Somebody told me recently that if it was easy, everyone would do it. Even though many might consider a cleanse to be challenging, I think this is easy and everybody can do it! Just go easy on yourself and trust in the process. You can do this!
“I was surprised at how quickly my body was adapting to the cleanse. I was also surprised that the things I dreaded were nothing to dread.”
— Max Lenderman, Confessions of a Conscious Cleanser
What inspired you to try the Conscious Cleanse for the first time?
- I “heart” green smoothies. It was a natural fit.
- I’ve been plagued by stomach pains and/or blotchy skin for far too long.
- I heard I would lose weight and look amazing.
- My Vitamix was collecting dust.
- I wanted to find my Vibrancy!
- My significant other made me do it.
- Fill in the blank. ___________________
PS: I heard about the amazing results my peers have had with the CC. I was also getting nowhere with sporadic exercise and piece-meal diets (i.e. cutting out meat once in a while, trying more organic fares, etc.) Along with my wife, we decided that we needed a different perspective on how we viewed food and what it did to our bodies. I found this approach was more thoughtful about how to lose some weight and feel healthier.
Q. What were you most looking forward to and/or dreading about embarking on the 14-day program?
A. I was really looking forward to feeling lighter and more vibrant. I wanted more energy during the day and I needed a change of habit. What I dreaded was cutting out the morning coffee, and perhaps also the monotony of having limited choices on the menu (which were surprisingly non-issues).
Q. What surprised you most about the Conscious Cleanse?
A. I was surprised at how quickly my body was adapting to the cleanse. I was also surprised that the things I dreaded were nothing to dread.
Q. Did you have an a-ha moment that you want to share?
A. I’ve been awaking to sore knees every morning for the past 10 years. By day 8 or 9, I walked down the staircase pain-free! It was mind-blowing. That morning felt like an entirely new day for me–literally and figuratively.
Q. Be honest, on Day 11 did you stand in front of your mirror naked per Jo and Jules’ instructions? Do you remember how you felt on that day?
A. I didn’t stand naked in front of the mirror. But I did see my face in the mirror. It was more taut. My eyes were more vibrant. And my smile told me that I was on the right path.
Q. Do you have a favorite piece of advice from Jo and Jules?
A. The word “conscious” is important. One must be aware of the changes and the effects as you progress through the cleanse.
Q. What does it mean to you to live the 80/20?
A. I have an entirely new and insightful relationship with food. When I choose to live 80, it is wholly intentional. And when I choose to go for the 20, that choice is intentional as well. There’s no more instinctive and habitual grab at something to shove into my mouth. Unless it’s ribs!
Q. What advice would you give to a first-time Conscious Cleanser?
A. Open-mindedness is key. Roll with it. Don’t fight it. Kind of like surfing, it’s hard to get up on the board but once you do, the feeling is more extraordinary than you ever thought possible.
A pioneer in the field of experiential marketing, Max Lenderman encourages businesses to look beyond traditional communication to get customers interacting with and living their brands.
He currently serves as CEO and principal at School, an agency that helps brands, businesses and organizations do better by doing good.
Lenderman’s breakthrough publication, Experience the Message: How Experiential Marketing is Changing the Brand World, was a Business Book of the Year Finalist in 2006 and has been cited as “the best book on experiential marketing.”
His second book, Brand New World: How Paupers, Pirates, and Oligarchs Are Changing Business, was published by HarperCollins in April 2009. It has been translated into five languages.
“The Conscious Cleanse is amazing.”
— Michelle Marchildon, author of “Finding More on the Mat: How I Grew Better, Wiser & Stronger through Yoga.”
It made me aware of what I’ve been eating and serving my family. It wasn’t always easy, but as I like to say, waking up is hard to do.
“I now have a jawline and my skin is glowing!”
— Erin T.
I have participated in the Conscious Cleanse two times prior to this round. During my first cleanse I had the extra VIP support of Jules who I did 1:1 check-ins with weekly, which helped keep me on track. That cleanse was successful in that I lost weight, changed my diet slightly and it kept me on a slow gradual track to change.
I didn’t participate as much in the second cleanse as I let my responsibilities get to me. I guess the third time is the charm.
The first picture was taken about a week and a half before the start of the cleanse. I was feeling stressed with my life’s workload, strung out and irritable. I felt like I was constantly on an emotional rollercoaster, to which my husband can attest.
I have worked my way through the caffeine headaches and sugar cravings and come out on the other side with a high level of energy. My moods are consistent, instead of up and down like before. I now have a jawline and my skin is glowing. I feel better prepared this time around and feel that I could actually maintain this type of eating year round.
Another exciting thing to note is that my cholesterol level was 190 at the beginning of my first cleanse and now (one year later) it is 142.
Thanks for everything Jo, Jules, and support staff!
“Looking in the mirror has actually become fun.”
— Tiffany S.
I’m embarrassed to share these awful, no make-up, first thing in the morning pictures, but I’m actually amazed. I was disgusted with myself on day one of the cleanse (top two pictures). I could hardly look in a mirror. My face was puffy and red, and my eyes looked swollen. My entire body felt uncomfortable and foreign to me. I dreaded giving up my comfort foods, but I knew something had to change.
On day 14 of the cleanse, I snapped the bottom two pictures and I didn’t even recognize myself! Now I understand the “puffy factor” that you talk about. My eyes are so bright and big. I feel vibrant and new. No more puffy! Looking in the mirror has actually become fun.
I’ve also dropped 12 pounds and my pants are loose. Yesterday I shoveled my driveway – 100 yards of snow – and felt good doing it. My neighbor asked me how much coffee I drank and I joyfully exclaimed, “NONE!”
Now I can visualize a healthy me and she doesn’t seem that far away. Now I look forward to eating foods that will continue to benefit me. In the end, I know my body will thank me.
As this journey comes to an end… I’m determined to keep going! I will never look back!
“Lean into it!” You are stronger than you think.”
— Wendy D.
This is my second Conscious Cleanse. My first one was in September of last year. I had such great (and truly unexpected) success with the first Conscious Cleanse that I decided to do it again.
In the private online forum, I’m reading that some of you are having difficulties, and possibly are having doubts whether you can do this or whether this will even work for you. I felt the same way back in September. I want you all to be widely successful! I want you to receive the benefits that nourishing your body can give you. As Jo and Jules would say, “You’ve shown up, now all you need to do is trust the process”. Everyone’s journey is different and I hope that by sharing my story it offers some encouragement.
When I started the cleanse in September, my goals were to increase my energy and to shed some extra stubborn pounds. I didn’t realize that I set the bar so low. At the end of the cleanse, I definitely lost those pounds and it was clear to me, and everyone around me, that I had a ton more energy. Lots of other really cool things were happening too. I wasn’t craving sugar and junky food and I was sleeping better. What I wasn’t expecting was a HUGE cleanse bonus. Within those two weeks, the Rosacea that I have been battling for over two years completely cleared up. And I mean completely. (Rosacea is a facial skin disorder that causes redness and acne like effects.) Like a lot of people with Rosacea, my dermatologist prescribed topical pharmaceuticals. At first, these seemed to work, but a year later the Rosacea was back. My options were to switch to a different topical medication or take antibiotics. Not liking my choices, I did some research and I confirmed what my doctor told me, that dairy can trigger Rosacea, so I cut that out. My tummy felt better, but my face continued to break out.
Fast-forward 9 months – I started the Conscious Cleanse in September of 2013. During the reintroduction phase of the cleanse, it became so clear to me what the trigger was and it blew me away! The one food that I loved and craved and ate everyday was the culprit. I would have never figured this out if I hadn’t stayed true to the cleanse and eliminated all possible triggers/allergens. I’m so thankful that I gave myself the opportunity to trust the process and believe in myself.
Hang in there. You can do this! Stay present or better yet “Lean into it!” You are stronger than you think.
“I am now choosing simple foods and a simple lifestyle rather than fast food and more money.”
— John L.
I began the 14-day Conscious Cleanse with modest expectations. I was hoping to lose a few pounds and reboot my taste buds toward a more vegetable-based diet. I wasn’t expecting any “breakthroughs.” At age 53, I thought I had experienced all of my breakthroughs already. Boy, was I surprised.
The decision about when to retire seems a simple one. When you have enough money you can retire if you want. The challenge is there is a ton of fear and doubt surrounding the notion of how much money is “enough.” Well, on day 12 of the cleanse I realized, after months of struggling with the decision, that I had enough to retire. Ever since the age of 18 my goal has been to retire, so this was a momentous day, even a magnificent day!
The discipline and clarity I achieved during the cleanse allowed me to choose new priorities going forward with my life. I am now choosing simple foods and a simple lifestyle rather than fast food and more money. Thanks Conscious Cleanse!!
“Completely painless and delicious”
— Lisa Christian
Do I love food and wine? This picture of me with my favorite chef of all times, Rick Bayless at The Aspen Food & Wine Festival will tell you – absolutely, yes.I’ve been through the guided cleanse with Jo and Jules — two exemplars of healthful eating and supportive coaches — twice now, and have made lasting changes in my daily diet after experiencing the many benefits. I’ve always thought I ate well, but learned more than I could have dreamed about food and its impact on the body through these nutrition experts. The dietary changes I made from eating on the cleanse have helped reverse the symptoms of my asthma, lifted my energy and mental clarity and helped me shed the extra weight that likes to creep up on all of us. I don’t expect perfection from myself and know we all slip from time to time, but now I have a great recipe book with the tools to get back on track in just a day from this learning experience.What you find when “eating clean” is that your taste buds change, and like the rest of your body, become more alive and sensitive. Suddenly a strawberry has an extra burst of flavor, I think because our taste buds become desensitized from eating in our normal routine.
The financial investment paid for itself during these two weeks for me. My spending while eating on The Conscious Cleanse dropped significantly by eliminating impulse purchases at my favorite grocery store, often driven by my sweet tooth, and consuming thoughtfully while out socially.
If you’re afraid, know it’s completely painless and delicious. Yes, it’s tough to live without your favorite snacks for a few days while your body adjusts, but… no pain, no gain… it’s worth it! You’ll enjoy new recipes and discover you can have meats and even some sweets, and your glass will be half full when you enjoy what’s on your plate vs. what obsess over what is not.
You’ll learn something new that you can share with your loved ones to help improve their lives, too.
If you want to feel light on your feet and have people tell you how they can’t put their finger on what’s different, but that “you look great”, definitely give the Conscious Cleanse a try!
“I wanted to avoid having to take statin drugs.”
— Becky G.
I’m SO excited.
I purposely did the Conscious Cleanse to help me with my Cholesterol/Triglyceride levels as well as lose a few pounds (which I did!). Four days after the end of my cleanse, I went back in to get blood work done to see if the Conscious Cleanse meal plan made a difference. I wanted to avoid having to take statin drugs. Check out my test results!
Previous Numbers (March 2013)
Total Cholesterol: 278, Triglycerides: 558; HDL 54, LDL over 200.
Current Numbers after CC:
Name Value Reference Range
Cholesterol Total 219 100-199 mg/dL
Triglycerides 165 0-149 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol 59 >39 mg/dL
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 33 5-40 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol Calc 127 0-99 mg/dL
T. Chol/HDL Ratio 3.7 0.0-4.4 ratio units
Thank you for introducing me to a whole new eating lifestyle!