10 Tips to Fight the Flu and Feel Better Fast

Have you noticed the nasty flu going around this year? It’s not just you—flu infections in the US are the highest they’ve been in 15 years! That’s why we’re here to help you protect yourself and your family with 10 Tips to Fight the Flu and Feel Better Fast.

At the Conscious Cleanse, we do our best to ward off any bugs by drinking lots of green smoothies and eating nutrient-dense whole foods. Yet even with these precautions, we’ve still battled colds, sore throats, and even the flu this year.

Especially if you have little ones, it’s near impossible to avoid getting sick at least a few times each year. But while sickness can’t be completely avoided, it can be made slightly less miserable.

Check out the list below for some of our secrets to bouncing back quickly from a flu or cold (they can even cut the duration of an illness in half!). And since this is one of the worst flu seasons in years, now is the perfect time to put these tips into practice.

Image for 7 Tips to Fight the Flu and Feel Better Fast

And if you’ve ever had a sickness that really sticks around—you know, like those pesky head colds that leave you with a month’s long scratchy throat or stuffy nose—we’ve got some good news for you: our super simple tips can also reduce those “clingy” symptoms.

Have you been sick this season? What are your tried-and-true tips for fighting the flu? Share them with us in the comments!

With flu fighting power,

The Conscious Cleanse Team

10 Tips to Fight the Flu and Feel Better Fast

  1. Rest, rest, rest! You’ve probably heard this a million times, but it’s for good reason. Rest is truly THE most important thing you can do when you first get sick. If you don’t take the time to slow down, you’ll end up paying the price with lingering cold or flu symptoms. Clear your calendar and rest. Everything else in your life can wait.
  2. Change your sheets. When you’re sick, your body sheds germs—so sleeping in the same sheets can slow down healing. Swap them out daily and wash in hot water with a non-toxic detergent like Molly’s Suds. Too sick for a full change? At least switch your pillowcase each night. It’s a simple step that can help you feel better faster!
  3. Let a healthy fever do its job. A fever is your body’s built-in defense against viruses, not something to fear. Suppressing it with meds can actually slow healing. A “healthy fever” is anything over 100.4°F but under 103°F for adults (104°F for kids). If yours is in this range, focus on rest, hydration, and immune support. To stay comfortable, try elderberry tea, a lukewarm bath, homeopathic Belladonna, or iodine baths. When possible, skip NSAIDs, as they come with serious risks like increased heart attack and stroke. Always check with your doctor if needed!
  4. Cut out the white stuff. Sugar seriously suppresses your immune system. Just 75-100 grams of sugar per day (i.e. just two cans of soda) can cause a 50% drop in your white blood cells’ ability to kill off those nasty little bugs. So while you’re sick, be especially diligent to remove all sugars — even unrefined sugars like honey, agave syrup, beet sugar, coconut sugar, and maple syrup.
  5. Give your immunity a boost with vitamin D. In the winter you’re more vulnerable to colds and flus because you aren’t getting your usual hit of vitamin D from the sun. In a recent study, influenza was reduced by over 42% when participants were taking 1,200 IU of Vitamin D3 a day. So when you’re feeling under the weather, increase your daily dose of vitamin D3 to help you get back to feeling your best fast. Our favorite is Quicksilver’s liquid D3/K2. A supplement including K2 is important because vitamin D isn’t absorbed well without it.
  6. Make friends with Zinc. Zinc is super important for immune and metabolic function. If you feel a cold or flu coming on, supplementing with zinc can help give your body the edge it needs to fight those viruses off. Aim for about 15 mg 2 times per day until you start to feel better.
  7. Load up on vitamin C. In a recent study, participants who took mega doses of vitamin C during the first 6 hours of feeling sick reported fewer cold and flu symptoms. Adding more vitamin C into your day (especially through food) is a great way to help your body recover. Oranges, papayas, broccoli, pineapple and Brussels sprouts are some fruits and veggies which are rich in vitamin C. When you’re under the weather, make sure to supplement with at least 2,000- 3,000 mg of extra vitamin C per day. Jo swears by this remedy and takes up to 5,000 mg when she feels rundown. Our favorite whole foods-based vitamin C supplement is MegaFood Ultra C-400 or Quicksilver’s Liposomal vitamin C.
  8. Eat like an Italian — minus the pasta, bread, and dairy, that is. Be liberal with garlic in your meals. Garlic is a great antimicrobial and antiviral. Oregano oil is another potent antimicrobial agent that will kick those bugs to the curb. The best way to use oregano oil when you have a cold or flu is by doing a steam with oregano essential oil. To do this, add boiling water to your sink (plug the drain first!) with 1-2 drops of oregano oil. Then lean over the sink and place a towel over your head to seal in the steam. Inhale deeply over the sink for 5 minutes to bring the air into your lungs. If you choose to take oregano oil orally (in capsule form is best), make sure you do so for a short period of time.
  9. Add elderberry into your routine. This potent cold and flu remedy is popular in Europe, and has been shown to improve influenza symptoms within 2 days. Stock your medicine cabinet with elderberry capsules like the Organic Black Elderberry caps from Gaia Herbs. Then when you start to feel sick, take 2 capsules 3 times per day. This is one of our must haves!
  10. Reach for Oscillococcinum at the first sign of symptoms. Homeopathic Oscillococcinum can help reduce the duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms when taken at the very first sign of illness—think scratchy throat, sneezing, or that run-down feeling. Plus, it works without any unwanted side effects. Since timing is key, we recommend keeping a stash at home so you’re ready to take it right away when you need it! We love Boiron Oscillococcinum.

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Showing 11 comments
  • Scottie Spurzem

    I’ve had a flu for 3 days now and have not been sick in years. I think rest and drinking even more water than 1/2 body weight on oz is key. Lost 2 more pounds and have only had the aches, chills and runny nose flu/ cold. Feel better! Thank you for the tips. I will up my D and C for sure!

    • Jo Schaalman

      Hi Scottie,

      Yes, it happens to even the healthiest of the bunch. Resting is definitely the key. I hope you feel better!

  • Brenda Tyler

    Thanks for the tips to prevent and fight the flu. I haven’t gotten it so far this year and hope I don’t. From all I have heard it is a doozie this year!
    Btw, not trying to criticize, but the word for the tube of Oscillococcinum is vial, not vile. Vile means bad or evil. 😊
    Thanks again, for all your care and concern and immense help in trying to make people’s lives healthier!

    • Jo and Jules

      Hi Brenda, Thank you so much for catching that for us! We do truly appreciate it. Yay for staying healthy during this crazy flu season! XO, J&J

  • Jessica Kochik

    Great ideas! I’ve been a long time fan of Oscillococcinum so I’m glad to hear you guys promote that. Don’t forget about matcha tea too! <3

    • Jo and Jules

      Hi Jessica, You’re right! We love our matcha tea. Packed with antioxidants it’s a great wellness drink! Here’s our favorite: http://bit.ly/2aP2Q4a. XO, J&J

  • Julia

    I agree with every tip of this article, except Oscillococcinum! It is nothing more but a placebo and false marketing hoax. There is absolutely no science behind it. Please read how it was invented and what it’s made of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscillococcinum. The company that manufactures it has made millions of dollars by false advertising and mislabeling and had settled multiple lawsuits.

    • Jo and Jules

      Hi Julia, Thank you for sharing this. We’ve personally have had great results using Oscillococcinum for ourselves and our family. We will check out the link you provided. XO, J&J

  • Susan Conner

    I have the worst flu, if only someone would come make the green smoothies for me! Thanks for the tips. I’ll be sending someone to the store for D & Elderberry later!

    • Jo and Jules

      Oh no, Susan! We hope you get to feeling better soon and that these tips help you! Remember to REST, so important! XO, J&J

  • Tara

    Is it okay to put oregano oil in a vaporizer? Will it work the same?

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